As an artist, there’s nothing quite like the feeling I get when I receive a notification from a gallery telling me that one of my pieces has sold. It’s like a small victory each time, a reminder that the hours I put into my craft – the late nights, the careful editing, the thought that goes into every shot – have truly paid off. It’s more than just a sale; it’s the confirmation that someone out there connects with my work, that something I’ve created resonates with them enough to want to bring it into their home.
After the initial excitement of a sale notification, I typically have to wait about six weeks before receiving payment from the gallery. This brings me to share about two recent sales I made through two very well known international online galleries and let’s just say… the numbers were eye-opening. So, I thought I’d pull back the curtain and share a little behind-the-scenes of what actually happens when I sell through a gallery.
On the surface, galleries sound great—they bring in buyers, handle the sales, and add a bit of prestige. But here’s the reality most people don’t see…
🎨 Artwork #1: Sold for £205
💰 After the gallery 1's cut, plus printing and packaging costs, I was left with… £26! not a penny more, not a penny less.
🎨 Artwork #2: Sold for £665
💰 The gallery automatically knocked 15% off the price (something both have incorporated into their contract, the artist loses an extra 15% off the price!), then after they took their commission, and my production costs? £78 in my bank!
I don't want to criticise galleries, they do serve a purpose, and they help artists get discovered. But these returns are very disheartening. So anyway as you can see this is a pretty clear reminder that when you buy directly from an artist, more of your money actually goes to the person who created the work.
So if you've ever bought from me directly, thank you! You're not just getting a beautiful piece of art; you’re helping an independent artist keep creating.
Would love to know your thoughts about what I have shared. Did you know galleries take such a big chunk? Would you still consider buying from a gallery when you have the option to buy directly from the artist?
Louise 😊